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HomeTennis Court Reservations

Procedures for Making Reservations:

  1. The reservation system is live 24 hours a day and open for the entire year. For personal use, courts may be reserved up to two weeks in advance.

  2. When completing the online reservation for courts, under “Usage Description” please include the First and Last name of the member and names of all other players. Mark guest names with a “G”. Please also describe the usage (i.e. Singles, Double, Private Lessons, etc.).Spot checks will be made to ensure that members follow these rules.

  3. Courts may be reserved for up to 90 minutes a day per membership.


Group Tennis Activities:

Group activities may be scheduled on all courts. Examples of group activities include team practice, WRA authorized lessons, round robins, and team matches. Only the Sports Chair may reserve times for group activities. Approved group activity coordinators are responsible for ensuring clearing their activity through the Sports Chair and that block times are minimized.

a. WRA will contract with a professional tennis company to provide private and group lessons to the membership.

b. Members may hire a private personal tennis instructor; however the member must reserve the courts themselves and adhere to the daily time limit per membership (90 minutes)

c. Participation in group tennis activities are limited to WRA members only, exceptions may be granted by the Sports Chair

Full details on these policies and much more can be found in the following documents:  Membership Handbook 2020 and Tennis Etiquette-PDF

Visit the main Reservations page to reserve court times.