The 2022 Men’s Ladder for LHP and WRA players will run from May 21st to October 22nd.
- This year the Ladder will be on a point system, 3 points for a win or 1 point for playing.
- Scoring is traditional and flexible toward 2 of 3 sets, with allowable tiebreak formats – mutually agreed between the players before the match.
- The Ladder does not prescribe location or times for matches – they are mutually agreed by the players.
- Both players should contribute a can of balls for each match, the unopened can goes to the winner.
- The Ladder is facilitated online, and as such the match winner is obligated to report the score in the system, but either player can enter the data.
- There is a $5 fee this year, primarily to defray costs for licensing, setup, and administration.
The ladder is for active WRA Members or Approved Users only.
REGISTER HERE! for Men's Ladder